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Our get togethers fall into two basic categories: Events and Activities.  At an Event, participants make an attempt to dress and act like someone from the Middle Ages or earlier.  There is more information on how we do this on the Resources page. (under construction at the moment.)   But, at other times, we are modern people, learning about the past, or just holding business meetings.  We dress in modern clothing and feel free to talk about modern topics. These are our Activities.


Each box has a link to a page with general information about the Event or Activity and specifics about the next one if available.   


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May Days

Our Camping Season starts with May Days, sometime in May. This event dates back to the earliest days of the Shire.  

We choose our Queen of the May, who, in turn, chooses her consort.  Those who wish can compete for the Title of Sheep King or Queen. At the appointed time, we dance around the May Pole. Later, after a relaxing day of games and perhaps a pot luck feast, we enjoy a Bardic Circle, where everyone is encouraged to perform.   


Snow Eaters

We have our second big event in fall, as the winter winds begin to blow.  The indoor venue allows participants to show off their Arts and Science projects and compete for the title of Arts and Science Champion. There are classes on a variety of topics. 

We also choose a Bardic Champion who excels at  Song, Story Telling, Dance, or one of the other Bardic Arts. 

When the evening draws to a close, we gather for an indoor feast in full medieval style.  

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We put May Days and Snow Eaters on the Avacal Calendar.  When we want to have a local event, it is called a Tavern.  This  can be an afternoon or evening BBQ or indoor meal.   We could just get together for games. 

We don't have to travel to big events to enjoy being medieval people. We can create that magic at a Tavern.  




Business Meeting 

Our Shire is only possible if people support it, and that means attending our Business Meetings.  These can be live or virtual.  You have to be a member of to hold office, but everyone is welcome to attend and speak at our meetings. If you can't connect over the internet, contact the seneschal and we can see what we do to help.   

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Arts and Science Meeting 

The purpose of the SCA is to learn about history by living it.  Sometimes we share what we know and, at other times, we just want some company while we work on our projects. Sometimes we want to study specific times or places.   The minister of  Arts and Sciences is there to help make those activities happen, but you need to make your interests and expertise known.  


If our members are available, we could come to your school or other group and demonstrate skills or teach about life before 1700.  Send an email to the Shire.  

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