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Arts and Science Get Togethers 

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jewelry largess_
The Arts and Science officer organizes activities where we learn about living in the past and work on our projects. If you think of our events as a chance to play the role of a medieval person in an unscripted improvisation;  Arts and Science activities are the production meetings and rehearsals that let you play that role.  
Generally we don't wear garb (Medieval Dress) to Arts and Science Get Togethers.  There might be times when garb would even be dangerous, like when we are working with metal or glass.  Other times, it might be in the way and shorts and a T shirt might be better, such as when we work on painting banners for our next event.  Of course, if you just want to show us what you have made or are making, by all means, do so.  
It would be impossible to list all the possible topics we could explore in an Arts and Science meeting, but here are a few.
Possible Topics  
1.  Looking at costume books to decide on garb. And then getting together to make it.  
2.  Watching historical documentaries or movies together.
3.  Trying out medieval recipes, including a taste test.
4.  Building camp chairs.
5.  Working on our device and name documentation.  
6.  Making Largess  (Gifts to be given to our royals, so they, in turn can give it out at court.)  
7.  Practicing a bardic presentation.  Perhaps someone from the Shire can teach a musical instrument or how to juggle.  Is there a great story that we need to write?  A play we could perform.   
8.  In the past we have even done metal and glass work.  
9.  And there's your idea.  What did you say you wanted to do?​​​
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